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Shaping the Future of Individuals Through Vocational Training

Brief History

SAIDAC started as the Frank Anthony Institute of Evangelism and later transformed into the field of Agriculture in 1982 when its name changed to Southern Agro-Industrial Development Associates Centre (SAIDAC). As Sierra Leone’s need for middle-level manpower in various fields continues to be felt more and more, especially by the Centre‟ ‘s immediate communities, SAIDAC uses her modest available means to gear her curriculum to their needs. For instance, from the late 80s Computer started to appear in the offices of several Governmental and non-governmental departments, companies, projects, and agencies in Bo, but there were no trained personnel to operate them.

In 1986, the AITI programme was established as an extension programme of SAIDAC in Pujehun. Its main objective was to respond as a Functional Educational Centre for Agriculture, Tailoring and Literacy. Various projects such as the Work Oxen project were transformed into mechanical cultivation. Agriculture and Tailoring were taught in multiple communities in addition to Literacy and Numeracy. Seeing this as a felt – need, SAIDAC/AITI diversified its curriculum in 1988 to allow the admission of students to be trained in Computer and Business Studies. It is worth noting that SAIDAC was the first that introduce Computer literacy in the country outside of Freetown.

In 2001, the Pujehun Programme became a separate Institution established to replicate the successful curriculum of SAIDAC NCTVA Programme and other adaptive educational projects for the Pujehun District.

Furthermore, as a result of the increase in school drop-out, the introduction of the 6-3-3-4 system of education, and the need to provide skills training facilities for ex-combatants in the country, SAIDAC/AITI training programme was expanded by the inclusion of Masonry, Tailoring, Carpentry, Gara Tie and Dying, etc. as the Centre‟ ‘s response to the above training needs. SAIDAC/AITI is proud of its graduates serving communities all over the country, for their successful performance, especially in the areas of Agriculture, Computer, and Business Studies.

a man smiling while holding a shovel

Our Mission Statement

AITI aims at training both male and female school leavers and adults alike in order to: Contribute, in broad terms, to the supply of middle-level manpower that the country (Sierra Leone) needs and provide specifically, the students with opportunities and the capacity to be productive, self-reliant, and be useful in their communities.

Our Vision Statement

We envision being the leading vocational training institution, forging the future of our country and the individuals in our community, enriching their skills and capabilities resulting in the improvement of agriculture, livelihood, manpower, and economy.

Propel Your Agriculture Training Now!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to connect with us. We’ll address your inquiries shortly.